Systematic VOA catalog

The online database of Vertex Operator Algebras and Tensor Categroies (Version 0.5)

Terry Gannon, Gerald Höhn, Hiroshi Yamauchi, ...

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Table of content

Unitary minimal models and extensions

Central Charge 1

Dihedral VOAs

VOAs with interesting automorphism groups

Lattice VOAs V_L

Based on the Sloane-Nebe catalogue of lattices

Lattice VOAs Z_2-orbifolds V_L^+

Based on the Sloane-Nebe catalogue of lattices

affine Kac-Moody VOAs

Type A

Type B

Type C

Type D

Exceptional types



Self-dual VOAs

Conformal designs

lexicographic VOAs

VOAs associated to generalized Kac Moody algebras

Rational W-algebras

N=2 SVOAs related to K3-surfaces

Some links

Home | VOA: systematic, cc | MTC: systematic, rank, level, disc, cc | search form | VOA glossary | MTC glossary | submission form