Description of the std-file format ---------------------------------- File has to be encoded in UTF-8. A VOA is a VOA V over the complex numbers. %(%...)id: identifier(s) of the VOA; first entry gives filenames: 'id'.std, etc.; rest are ids of ismorphic VOAs. %name: one or more names of the VOA. First one is main name. %central_charge: the central charge of the VOA. %minimal_weight: the minimal weight. %strength: the strength of the VOA (largest t such that graded components are t-designs). %character: the graded dimension of the VOA. %group: information about the automorphism group of the VOA. %%name: A description of the group; at least containing complete information about the composition series. %%order: the order of the group; for semi-simple simply connected Lie groups the order is t. %mtc: the id of the corresponding mtc. %genus: the corresponding genus. %properties: some properties of the VOA. - rational: tensor category is MTC. - unitary: has real form with positive definite invariant bilinear form. - C2: Zhu's C2 condition is satisfied. - extremal: self-dual extremal. - framed: framed by Ising models - abelian fusion: all modules are simple currents. %modules: information about modules. %%number: number of modules. %%weights: list of conformal weights of modules; ordering should be consistent with mtc. %%characters: entries are the graded dimensions of the modules starting with conformal weight. %moduleorbits: information about orbits of modules under automorphism group. %%number: number of orbits of modules. %%weights: list of conformal weights of orbits of modules. %%characters: entries are the graded dimension of the orbits of modules starting with conformal weight. %subvoas: (partial) list of subVOAS U. %%subVOA: information about a subVOA U. %%%id: the id of the subVOA U in the database. %%%orbit: information about one Aut(V)-orbit of the subVOA U %%%%centralizer: the stabilizer of a subVOA U (fixing point wise). %%%%order: the order of the stabilizer; for semi-simple simply connected Lie groups the order is t. %%%%normalizer: the normalizer of a subVOA (fixing setwise). %%%%length: the size of the orbit (=|Aut(V)|/|Normalizer(U)|; useful if Aut(V) is unknown). %%%%coset: the id of the commutant algebra of U in V. %kacmoody_algebra: The affine Kac-Moody subVOA generated by V_1. %griess_algebra: the Griess algebra structure on V_2 if V_1=0. %%product: the algebra product. %%form: the invariant bilinear form. %(%...)references: list of references. %%ref: reference entry. %%%author: list of authors of reference entry. %%%title: title of reference entry. %%%classic: classical (pre-google) description of reference entry. %(%...)source: source of database entry. %(%...)note: notes.