Differential Topology (Math 876), Spring 2014

by Gerald Höhn


Lecture: Time: Tuesday and Thursday 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m.; Room: Willard Hall 115.


Final Exam

Solutions are due on Friday, May 16, at 5 p.m.

Homework - Problem Sheets and some solutions

Homework will handed out on each Tuesday and collected about one week later.

As long not otherwise indicated, each problem counts 4 points. Problems marked with a star are usually more difficult and count as bonus points. Part of the regular problems and additionally the star problems will be graded.

Grading Policy

Attendance and participation are strongly recommended. Final grades will be based on written work, as follows:
66.67% for homework, 33.33% for the final. Tentative letter grades: A: 100%-66.67%, B: 66.67%-50%, C: 50%-40%, D: 40%-35%.

The gradebook can be found at K-State online

Gerald Höhn, 1/20/2014.